Sunday, 31 July 2011

OOTD- She wore a ribbon in her hair...

  • Hair bow- New Look
  • Top- New Look
  • Shorts- Topshop
Hi everyone, I was just about to go out and enjoy the (rare) sunshine and thought I would do a quick OOTD. I've finished my course now and am now a qualified lifeguard, yay. My hair however does not seem very happy with 7 consecutive days of chlorine and swimming pool water, if anyone can recommend some sort of hair repair mask or something similar that would be lovely :)

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.



  1. You look gorgeous, as for a mask, I really like the Boots Ingredients Coconut & Almond Intensive Hair Mask its so inexpensive :-)

  2. very cute outfit & yeah for the sunshine, its so nice isn't it? I don't have a hair mask recommendation I am currently on look out for a good one myself, however, I am using Macadamia oil at the moment and loving it perhaps that would help protect?

  3. I love your outfit !
    And you look super pretty with that ribbon in your hair!

  4. I'm so jealous of your hair, you are so pretty. I love using vo5 miracle concentrate :) xxx

  5. Your hair looks like its in perfect condition! The John Frieda Miraculous Recovery masque is a beaut! x

  6. Super cute outfit! BTW you are so pretty!

  7. Your hair is so pretty :) xx
